To familiarize yourself with the training material, start browsing the examples. After that, you can explore the approach reflected in the examples and how participants can draw on their own classroom experience to develop examples using this format.
Look through the PowerPoint files in this section to get an overview of “what if learning.” They come with a script in the notes section (in PowerPoint, click “View” and select the notes section or use the download of the notes). The PowerPoint files give a suggested order for a training day, and provide activities and questions. The suggested order is:
Faith, Schools and Chocolate Cake (The background) | Notes with activities for participants
What if learning? (The approach) | Notes with activities for participants
Faith, Hope and Love (The theology) | Notes with activities for participants
You will find that activities to use with participants are suggested in the PowerPoint notes and are also listed separately.
Introductory Activity: First Response to Examples
Activity: Matching exercise
Activity: Umbrella exercise
Handouts to support a training session can be found under “handouts for the process.”
To deepen your own understanding of the project so that you can respond to questions and give a deeper commentary, we suggest you look in the section called Big Picture and select material from there. You might like to start with the following:
- Are the teaching examples in this site uniquely Christian? Should they be?
- What research and ideas have shaped our focus on these three starting points?