“Seeing anew” is about being open to new ways of looking at our teaching and what goes on in our classrooms, ways that can let connections with faith, hope, and love come into focus. Shifting from looking at a learning activity just in terms of the information conveyed, for example, to seeing it as at the same time a chance for moral growth
“Choosing engagement” is about considering how we help students to engage with what is being learned, the ways in which they participate. There are many possible ways of engaging: listening quietly, vigorous discussion, answering questions, writing prose or poetry, responding through pictures or music, taking part in role play, doing independent research, collaborating with others, helping fellow learners, praying for one another, looking for life applications, and so on. For any given lesson, we have to choose the ways of engaging that best fit the purpose.
“Reshaping practice” puts the focus on what teachers do, in order to reflect their new way of seeing by their teaching. It is changing the habits and practice of teaching to work with a new perspective. There are many ways of reshaping practice: changing the layout of the classroom, altering an approach, attending to the atmosphere and ethos of a lesson, changing an emphasis, selecting different resources, adjusting student interaction, encouraging questions, and making connections. For any given lesson, teachers need to examine their teaching “habits” and reshape their practice in ways that best suit their new way of seeing that lesson.