An Introduction for Trainers

Here you can find some suggestions for getting to know the material on this site in preparation for leading a training session: Creating a training session.

Group Activities

Here are some group activities that you can use as part of a training session to help teachers to engage with the ideas and examples on this site:

Introductory Activity: First Response to Examples
Activity: Matching exercise
Activity: Umbrella exercise
Activity: From–Toward


The following PowerPoint files provide presentation materials that can be used to introduce teachers to some of the central ideas involved in these resources. They come with a script in the notes section (in PowerPoint, click “View” and select the notes section or use the download of the notes).

Faith, Schools, and Chocolate Cake (The background) | Notes with activities for participants
What if learning? (The approach)
 | Notes with activities for participants
Faith, Hope and Love (The theology) | Notes with activities for participants

Handouts for the Process

The following handouts are provided for staff development sessions. A number of them are also referenced and linked in the training activity pages above.

There are two versions of the How can I do this myself? handout for two age ranges: elementary and secondary: (follow link, then click “Print”):

How do I do this myself? Elementary
How do I do this myself? Secondary

The strategy documents can be used in three forms:

  • You can print the full documents. These are useful as reference material for teachers to take away and put in a folder for long-term use
  • You can print a shorter working document for use on the day of the training. These are useful for teachers practicing the approach
  • You can use the summary documents as prompts and for quick reference the day of.

Strategy Handouts

The following three documents offer a summary, short version, and full version of strategies for seeing anew. Seeing anew refers to allowing Christian ways of seeing the world to inform what we do.

Seeing Anew full document

The following three documents offer a summary, short version, and full version of strategies for choosing engagement. Choosing engagement is about the ways we interact with one another, with the things we are teaching and learning about, and with the world outside our classrooms. 

Strategies for Engagement full document

The following three documents offer a summary, short version, and full version of strategies for reshaping practice. “Reshaping practice” places the focus on what teachers do in order to reflect their new way of seeing in their teaching. It means changing the habits and practices of teaching to work with a new perspective.

Strategies for Reshaping Practice full document