Sponsoring Organizations
Transforming Lives UK / The Stapleford Centre
Transforming Lives is a UK-based, interdenominational project managed by The Stapleford Centre. Its purpose is to raise the profile of teaching as a Christian vocation and to support the development of a distinctively Christian and inclusive approach to education. http://www.stapleford-centre.org and http://www.transforminglives.org.uk

The Anglican Education Commission Sydney, Australia
The Anglican Education Commission exists to support, encourage, and challenge Christians involved in learning and teaching, whether it be in churches, preschools, schools (government, Christian, and Anglican), colleges, or universities. It seeks to transform education through recruiting Christians into teaching and by working together with like-minded Christian organizations.
The Kuyers Institute, USA
The Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning is located at Calvin University, an undergraduate institution of higher education in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Kuyers Institute is a research institute concerned with Christian contributions to teaching and learning in a variety of educational contexts and at various levels of education. Its work includes research projects, workshops, conferences, and publications relating to the interface between education and Christian faith. It produces the Journal of Education and Christian Belief. More information about the institute’s current and past projects can be found at http://www.pedagogy.net.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Jerusalem Trust and the Maurice and Hilda Laing Charitable Trust, whose support made this site possible.
With thanks to the following people:
Margaret Cooling and David Smith for their work on the text.
Gavin Courtney for constructing the website
Robin Staple and David Morton of the Stapleford Centre for their work on the website
Sally Smith and Cath O’Connell for reviewing the website
The staff of the Kuyers Institute for developing the American version of this site.
The Reverend Dr. Andrew Angel, director of extension studies and lecturer in New Testament at St. John’s Theological College, Nottingham (UK), for his theological review
With thanks to the following people for examples:
“What if history could inspire students to love their city?” is based on an original idea by Rachel March at Bradford Christian School.
St. Luke’s Primary School Cannock for the idea that became example 7: “What if book week were about gratitude and giving?”
Colin Parker for the lesson that became example 99
David Long for the lesson that became example 103
Natalie Selby for contributing a number of examples
Sarah Old
The writing team: Beth Green, Alison Farnell, Alison Wheldon, David Smith, Trevor Cooling, and Margaret Cooling for numerous examples either gathered from schools or drawing on their teaching experience.
With thanks to the follow people for acting as commentators:
Sarah De Young (USA)
Dan Beerens (USA)
Natalie Selby (UK)
Carolyn Farnell (UK)
Ruby Holland (Australia)
Alison Brown (UK)
Participants in Kuyers Institute (USA) summer workshops in 2010 and 2011
With thanks to the following people who were involved in the initial stimulus group at Vevey, Switzerland
Alison Farnell (UK)
Ray Le Clair (Ukraine/USA)
Graham Coyle (UK)
John Shortt (UK)
Matthias Kägi (Switzerland )
Bryan Cowling (Australia)
Arthur Jones (UK)
Alison Wheldon (Australia)
Sally Smith (UK)
Margaret Cooling (UK)
Trevor Cooling (UK)
Ruby Holland (Australia)
David Smith (USA)
With thanks to the following people involved in the UK review group (UK)
Karin Baker
Tamara Rolfe, St. James VA, Derby
Alison Brown, Derby Diocese
Alison Farnell, Coventry Diocese
Richard Farren, Bluecoat School
Suzanne Edwards, Harris School
Beth Green, Liverpool Hope University
Margaret Cooling, Transforming Lives Project
David Morton, The Stapleford Centre
Natalie Selby, elementary school teacher
With thanks to the following people and institutions for giving generously of their time for filming:
St. Marks Church of England Primary School (UK) for allowing us to film a lesson
The Right Reverend Professor N. T. Wright, research professor of New Testament and early Christianity, St. Andrews University (Scotland)
With thanks to the following institutions for sharing their time and experience:
St. Anne’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Baslow (UK)
St. Giles Church of England Aided Primary School, Matlock (UK), particularly Elizabeth Mann and the Reverend Julie Stanton for the inspiration for the structure of “Seeing Anew”
St. Laurence Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School, Long Eaton (UK)
St. Luke’s Church of England Primary School, Cannock (UK)
St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Bristol (UK)
Southwell Minster Church of England School, Nottinghamshire (UK)