Highlighting a key focus or a change in emphasis can be followed through by a consistent use of language, emphasizing key concepts and phrases, and bringing what is important to students’ attention. For example, teachers can consistently refer to “God’s world” rather than “our world” when teaching about the environment. They can consistently emphasize a key concept such as sin or joy or peace.
- Teachers can draw attention to an African painting in art by introducing it and consistently referring to it as a visitor from another country. The phrase “doing sorry” can be used in history when looking at the repercussions of injustices of the past and how amends might be made.
- A history unit could be planned around the concepts of justice, mercy, and humility, using these concepts throughout the teaching and learning and bringing them to the students’ attention in connection with people and events.
Examples such as these show how a key emphasis can be worked out in language and concepts through the way teachers consistently use them.